Dynamax Raikou is in Pokemon Go Max Raids! Get updated Pokemon Go raid counters and remote raids on the Pokebattler Raid Party app!
Shadow Raids are here! Get your Shadow Regice and Shadow Mewtwo counters ready!
Team GO Rocket Counters
Team GO Rocket has invaded Pokemon Go and Pokebattler is here to help you fight them off! Battles are 3v3 with you facing your 3 Pokemon off against Team GO Rocket's boosted Pokemon. These battles can be extremely challenging so make sure you prepare before you challenge them!
Team GO Rocket Grunts are not very difficult as they do not shield. Team GO Rocket Executives and Giovanni have higher stats and will shield the first two specials used. Resisting the quick attack and using Pokemon that can force the shadow Pokemon to use their shields is the best way to beat these tough foes!
Breaking News
Team GO Rocket Invasions In Pokemon GoJanuary 2025 Team GO Rocket Takeover
Giovanni is using Shadow Heatran starting October!
Team Rocket Executives
Battle Executive Cliff, Executive Sierra and Executive Arlo in Team Rocket Battles
You need a Rocket Detector to discover a single Team Rocket Executive. To create one you need to defeat 6 grunts
- Defeat Team Rocket Grunts to obtain a Mysterious Component
- Use 6 Mysterious Components to create a Rocket Detector
- Use the Rocket Detector to bring up a map showing where a Team Rocket Executive is
You will have the chance to catch a shiny Shadow Pokemon! Team Rocket Executives are significantly more difficult as they can use shields in battle.

Shadow Legendary raids are extremely difficult but are the best way to obtain strong pokemon! They are in person only raids that are often done with groups of 5-10 level 30-50 players. Some intrepid experts have done some of these raids with as few as 2-3 players. The Campfire feature is a great way to find other players for these very difficult raids
Boss | CP | Att | Def | HP |
Team GO Rocket Leaders
Team GO Rocket leaders feature more difficult fights including shielding! Make sure you are prepared for all Team GO Rocket has in store for you!
I will not tolerate your interference.You cannot stop me...but I’m amused by your attempt.Your professor has not prepared you for what is to come.You’ve made it this far. Let me see just how strong you are.You will never defeat Team GO Rocket.
Fooled ya, twerp.I can’t believe you fell for it!In the name of the boss, I’ll destroy you!You’ll never get to him!It feels good to see you disappointed.
My strength comes from my loyalty to Team GO Rocket.I will do anything and everything for Team GO Rocket.I owe the boss my life. I’d do anything for him.Team GO Rocket saved me. It’s time to return the favor!Add my name to your list of weaknesses.
It’s time to learn your place in the world.I never lose.Prepare yourself for a world of hurt.Arrogance leads to failure.Your defeat comes on swift wings.
I envy you—you get to battle me!This will be a battle I’m sure you’ll never forget.You already know this, but you don’t stand a chance.You can’t possibly match my skill, dear.I do hope you like the taste of failure!
Team GO Rocket Grunts
Team GO Rocket grunts are easier fights with no shields.
Don't bother - I've already wonGet ready to be defeatedWinning is for winners
Don't bother - I've already wonGet ready to be defeatedWinning is for winners
Go, my super bug Pokemon!
Wherever there is light, there is also shadow.
ROAR! ...How'd that sound?
Check out my cute Pokémon!
This buff physique isn't just for show!
Do you know how hot Pokemon fire breath can get?
Battle against my Flying-type Pokemon!
Don't tangle with us!
You'll be defeated into the ground
You're gonna be frozen in your tracks
You’re no match for my iron will!
Normal does not mean weak.
Coiled and ready to strike!
Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power?
Let's rock and roll!
These waters are treacherous!
These waters are treacherous!
Ke... ke... ke... ke... ke... ke!
Get ready to be shocked!
Featured Team Rocket Mechanics Research Article
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