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Mewtwo Raid Guide

July 17, 2021 - Jace
Tier 5 Raid Guide

🥊 Personalized Mewtwo Counters

📊Mewtwo Raid Infographic (old)

Mewtwo- Genetic Pokémon

Mewtwo is weak to the following types: x1 Bug, x1 Ghost, x1 Dark. Generally speaking, the best counters for it are:Origin Giratina, Chandelure and Darkrai. Mewtwo can be beaten by 2 players in optimal weather, with max friendship and perfect level 40 counters or by 4 unfriended players using level 20 counters from this guide. When caught, Mewtwo will be between 2294 and 2387 cp without a weather boost. In Windy weather, Mewtwo will be between 2868 and 2984 when caught.

There are a couple classes of unique pokemon that are more difficult to use than others, they have been filtered out here to not clog up the counters too much. These pokemon are much more resource expensive than other options.
 • Mega Gengar– Best in General simulations.
 • Mega Houndoom– Great in General simulations.
 • Mega Gyarados– Great in General simulations.
 • Shadow Mewtwo– Great in General simulations.
 • Shadow Tyranitar– Great in General simulations.
Less relavant Shadow and Mega Pokemon:Shadow Weavile, Shadow Houndoom, Shadow Absol, Shadow Pinsir, Shadow Mismagius, Shadow Raikou, Mega Beedrill, Shadow Alakazam, Shadow Banette, Shadow Metagross, Mega Charizard Y, Shadow Gardevoir, Shadow Sharpedo, Shadow Arcanine, Mega Blastoise, Shadow Scizor, Shadow Moltres, Shadow Swampert, Mega Charizard X, Shadow Manectric, Shadow Entei, Shadow Salamence, Shadow Dragonite
Sorted Hardest to Easiest.


  • Bug-Types are hit for 💥 Weakness

Focus Blast:

Hyper Beam:

  • Ghost-Types are hit for 🛡️🛡️ Resistance

Ice Beam:


  • Dark-Types are hit for 🛡️🛡️ Resistance
Here is a list of Pokemon that can perform similar or better than the typical #1 option with weather bonuses:
PokemonNameWeatherFast MoveCharge MoveEstimator
Mega Gengar👻FogShadow ClawShadow Ball1.4
Mega Houndoom👻FogSnarlFoul Play1.6
Mega Gyarados👻FogBiteCrunch1.7
Shadow Mewtwo👻FogPsycho CutShadow Ball1.7
Shadow Tyranitar👻FogBiteCrunch1.7
Chandelure👻FogHexShadow Ball1.7
Shadow Weavile👻FogSnarlFoul Play1.7
Origin Giratina👻FogShadow ClawShadow Ball1.7
Darkrai👻FogSnarlDark Pulse1.8
Shadow Houndoom👻FogSnarlFoul Play1.8
Yveltal👻FogSnarlDark Pulse1.9
Shadow Absol👻FogSnarlDark Pulse1.9
Mewtwo👻FogPsycho CutShadow Ball1.9
Shadow Pinsir☔️RainyBug BiteX Scissor1.9
Shadow Mismagius👻FogSucker PunchShadow Ball2
Shadow Raikou👻FogThunder ShockShadow Ball2
Hydreigon👻FogBiteDark Pulse2
Weavile👻FogSnarlFoul Play2
Mega Beedrill☔️RainyBug BiteX Scissor2
Genesect☔️RainyFury CutterX Scissor2
Genesect (Burn)☔️RainyFury CutterX Scissor2
#1 Origin Giratina
Shadow Claw
Shadow Ball
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐
Giratina-Origin was released April 2019. While it is legendary, it is the best Ghost-Type around and an Okay Dragon-Type, so a worthwhile investment. It is notably bulky. NOTE: Giratina-Altered form is nowhere as good. With Level 35 Origin Giratina you need 3 players.

Best Estimator VS: Confusion / Ice Beam
Best Ranking VS: Confusion / Thunderbolt
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Fighting, Normal
• 1×🛡️Resists: Fire, Electric
• 1×💥Weak: Ice, Ghost
#2 Chandelure
Shadow Ball
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Chandelure can be obstained from litwik. They can be aquired from PVP reward encounter (above level 7). It’s also featured during the annual halloween event. It was released September 17th 2019. Chandelure is the new highest DPS Ghost AND Fire-Type. That all said, it’s very glassy. Litwik has also been featured in PVP reward encounters. With Level 35 Chandelure you need 3 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Fire Spin
Best Estimator VS: Confusion / Psychic
Best Ranking VS: Confusion / Ice Beam
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Fighting, Normal
• 1×🛡️Resists: Fire, Ice
• 1×💥Weak: Ghost
#3 Darkrai
Shadow Ball
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐
Top tier Dark and Ghost-Type Attacker. Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse have near identical performance. Darkrai is by far the best Dark-Type attacker right now. Giratina Origin Form is only prefered if you are facing Fighting-Type damage from the Raid. With Level 35 Darkrai you need 3 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Feint Attack
Alternative Charge Moves: Dark Pulse
Best Estimator VS: Psycho Cut / Focus Blast
Best Ranking VS: Psycho Cut / Ice Beam
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Psychic
• 1×🛡️Resists: Ghost
• 1×💥Weak: Fighting
#4 Yveltal
Dark Pulse
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility:
With Level 35 Yveltal you need 3 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Sucker Punch
Best Estimator VS: Psycho Cut / Ice Beam
Best Ranking VS: Psycho Cut / Psychic
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Psychic
• 1×🛡️Resists: Ghost
• 1×💥Weak: Ice, Electric
#5 Mewtwo
Psycho Cut
Shadow Ball
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐
Mewtwo is pretty inaccessible, as the useful form hasn’t been released recently. Luckily the moveset, however, isn’t exclusive to its EX raid period! Trading for one is probably the most likely way you’d be able to get one of these, and you can use the candy you got from catching Armored Mewtwo to power it up. That said, if you weren’t lucky enough to get an Ex Raid back during its era Shadow Ball period-you can’t get it now. When Mewtwo was released from its EX shackles for a global event-that move was removed from its TM pool. This used to be more unfortunate, but there are quite a lot of alternative Ghost-Type options at this point so don’t sweat it too much. With Level 35 Mewtwo you need 3 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Confusion
Best Estimator VS: Psycho Cut / Thunderbolt
Best Ranking VS: Psycho Cut / Focus Blast
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Psychic, Fighting
• 1×💥Weak: Ghost
#6 Weavile
Foul Play
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐
Weavile evolves from Sneasel, which is an uncommon Pokemon (that does still nest), and is an occasional 2 star raid boss. They hatch from 5k Eggs. It requires a Sinnoh Stone to evolve, which can be acquired (at random) from daily trainer battles. Sneasel can spawn from Glacial Lure Modules. Weavile is generally the top Dark-Type in terms of raw attack power. While it looks frail, it can tank a lot more than you’d expect-especially if we’re talking Psychic-Type damage. It also tops the charts as a Ice-Type attacker so is definitely worth acquiring. With Level 35 Weavile you need 3 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Feint Attack
Best Estimator VS: Psycho Cut / Flamethrower
Best Ranking VS: Confusion / Ice Beam
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Psychic
• 1×🛡️Resists: Ice, Ghost
• 1×💥Weak: Fire
• 2×💥Weak: Fighting
#2 Gengar
Shadow Claw
Shadow Ball
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Gengar isn’t too difficult to acquire with Gastlys nesting and being a common night spawn, as well as being featured in annual Halloween events. Shadow Claw is NO LONGER legacy! But if you were lucky enough to play during Gengar Raid Day, Lick is just as good. Hex is a bit of a drop, but still usable. Shadow Punch is okay as well, but worse. With Level 35 Gengar you need 3 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Lick
Best Estimator VS: Confusion / Flamethrower
Best Ranking VS: Confusion / Focus Blast
Type Interactions:
• 3×🛡️Resists: Fighting
• 2×🛡️Resists: Normal
• 1×💥Weak: Psychic, Ghost
#8 Genesect (Burn)
Fury Cutter
X Scissor
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility:
With Level 35 Genesect (Burn) you need 3 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Metal Claw
Best Estimator VS: Psycho Cut / Flamethrower
Best Ranking VS: Confusion / Ice Beam
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Ice, Psychic, Normal
• 2×💥Weak: Fire
#9 Genesect
Fury Cutter
X Scissor
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐
Genesect was first only available from a paid special research event. It was briefly in EX Raids, and has had only brief availability in raids. Genesect has Scizor’s fantastic typing, leaving it only weak to Fire-but doubly weak. With Level 35 Genesect you need 3 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Metal Claw
Best Estimator VS: Psycho Cut / Flamethrower
Best Ranking VS: Confusion / Ice Beam
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Ice, Psychic, Normal
• 2×💥Weak: Fire
#10 Hydreigon
Dark Pulse
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐
Dieno is most reliably found in PVP reward encounters, but it is an extremely rare spawn otherwise though It was released September 17th. With Level 35 Hydreigon you need 3 players.

Best Estimator VS: Psycho Cut / Ice Beam
Best Ranking VS: Confusion / Thunderbolt
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Psychic
• 1×🛡️Resists: Fire, Electric, Ghost
• 1×💥Weak: Ice, Fighting
#11 Tyranitar
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Accessibility will be a bit tough if you are only starting now as Larvitars do not nest and are rare in the wild. They are also in 10k eggs. Tier 4 Tyranitar Raids were a staple for quite a while, however. Larvitar can be found in ‘Make 3 Excellent Throws in a Row’ Quests. Larvitar community day (the only time you could get Smack Down) was June 2018. It isn’t the highest raw DPS Dark-Type anymore, but it has a ton of bulk on top of near optimal DPS. Weavile and Honchkrow trade with it depending on the matchup. Be wary of it’s double weakness to fighting. With Level 35 Tyranitar you need 3 players.

Best Estimator VS: Psycho Cut / Ice Beam
Best Ranking VS: Confusion / Ice Beam
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Psychic
• 1×🛡️Resists: Fire, Normal, Ghost
• 2×💥Weak: Fighting
#12 Pinsir
Bug Bite
X Scissor
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Pinsir is one of the most accessible pokemon, that is nonetheless top tier in its typing. You don’t need to evolve them, they can be found at high levels in the wild, they nest- they got a lot going for them. The Legacy Moveset while often a smidge better, isn’t something to stress over. Notably, they do not currently hatch from eggs. With Level 35 Pinsir you need 3 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Fury Cutter
Best Estimator VS: Confusion / Psychic
Best Ranking VS: Psycho Cut / Focus Blast
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Fighting
• 1×💥Weak: Fire
#13 Houndoom
Foul Play
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Houndoom ha the benefits of being a Dark-type that doesn’t involve a ton of extra work to evolve and find as a high level. You can find Houndours weather boosted in the common Sunny weather! its also a relatively common research reward as well. With Level 35 Houndoom you need 3 players.

Best Estimator VS: Confusion / Thunderbolt
Best Ranking VS: Confusion / Ice Beam
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Psychic
• 1×🛡️Resists: Fire, Ice, Ghost
• 1×💥Weak: Fighting
#14 Banette
Shadow Claw
Shadow Ball
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Shuppets are uncommon but not too hard to find- and they nest, so getting some hopefully wouldn’t be too outlandish. They aren’t boosted in a common weather like Gastlys though. its an ok Ghost-Type but almost always inferior to Gengar. You can also find them in 5k eggs, and annually during the halloween event. With Level 35 Banette you need 3 players.

Best Estimator VS: Confusion / Thunderbolt
Best Ranking VS: Confusion / Focus Blast
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Fighting, Normal
• 1×💥Weak: Ghost
#15 Regigigas
Hidden Power Ghost
Giga Impact
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐
Regigigas was available as an EX Raid Pokemon, and hasn’t been easy to get otherwise. It is a rare pokemon to own, with fantastic stats. Giga Impact is so powerful it allows it to function somewhat as a Normal-type generalist attacker. With Level 35 Regigigas you need 3 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Hidden Power Bug, Hidden Power Dark
Best Estimator VS: Confusion / Focus Blast
Best Ranking VS: Psycho Cut / Thunderbolt
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Ghost
• 1×💥Weak: Fighting
#16 Mismagius
Shadow Ball
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Mismagius is pretty expensive to acquire. Misdreavus are uncommon, and you need a Sinnoh Stone to evolve one. You can get it from Trainer Battles, but most of Mismagius use cases are covered by Honchkrow and Weavile. With Level 35 Mismagius you need 4 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Sucker Punch
Best Estimator VS: Psycho Cut / Ice Beam
Best Ranking VS: Psycho Cut / Focus Blast
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Fighting, Normal
• 1×💥Weak: Ghost
#17 Reshiram
Fire Fang
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility:
Reshiram is a legendary dragon, it’s only been released once so far, but is the vest fire type attacker in the game. With Level 35 Reshiram you need 4 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Dragon Breath
Alternative Charge Moves: Draco Meteor, Overheat
Best Estimator VS: Confusion / Psychic
Best Ranking VS: Psycho Cut / Flamethrower
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Fire
• 1×🛡️Resists: Electric
#18 Raikou
Thunder Shock
Shadow Ball
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐
Raikou hasn’t been featured too frequently, but has gotten a raid day and been in research breakthrough rewards. That said, it is a legendary pokemon, which are expensive to get candy for. its a top tier Electric-Type, and even a decent Ghost-Type attacker with Shadow Ball! With Level 35 Raikou you need 4 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Volt Switch
Best Estimator VS: Confusion / Focus Blast
Best Ranking VS: Confusion / Thunderbolt
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Electric
#19 Escavalier
Bug Bite
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Escavalier evolve from Karrablast, which is a common pokemon, especially in the rain. Even better, if you aquire a Karrablast from a trade, it will cost 0 candy to evolve! With Level 35 Escavalier you need 4 players.

Best Estimator VS: Confusion / Focus Blast
Best Ranking VS: Psycho Cut / Ice Beam
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Ice, Psychic, Normal
• 2×💥Weak: Fire
#20 Absol
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility:
With Level 35 Absol you need 4 players.

Alternative Charge Moves: Megahorn, Dark Pulse
Best Estimator VS: Psycho Cut / Flamethrower
Best Ranking VS: Psycho Cut / Psychic
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Psychic
• 1×🛡️Resists: Ghost
• 1×💥Weak: Fighting
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility:
With Level 35 you need 4 players.

Alternative Charge Moves: Thunder
Best Estimator VS: Psycho Cut / Ice Beam
Best Ranking VS: Psycho Cut / Focus Blast
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Fighting
• 1×💥Weak: Ice
#22 Scizor
Fury Cutter
X Scissor
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Scyther and Scizor have been featured a couple of times reducing the difficulty to acquire one. You need a Metal Coat to evolve Scyther into Scizor, which can be acquired either: VERY rarely from spinning a pokestop, in a pool of other evolution items on your 7-day streak spinning Pokestop (guaranteed to get at least one item), or from the Celebi Special Research 4/8 rewards. Scyther nest and are a 5k hatch. With Level 35 Scizor you need 4 players.

Best Estimator VS: Confusion / Focus Blast
Best Ranking VS: Psycho Cut / Ice Beam
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Ice, Psychic, Normal
• 2×💥Weak: Fire
#23 Bisharp
Dark Pulse
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐
Pawniard can only be aquired from red 12K eggs. To get one, you need an open egg slot while defeating a Team Rocket Leader. Bisharp’s typing gives it some interesting uses as both a Steel and Dark type. Extremely durable vs Psychic-Type attacks. With Level 35 Bisharp you need 4 players.

Alternative Charge Moves: X Scissor
Best Estimator VS: Confusion / Flamethrower
Best Ranking VS: Psycho Cut / Psychic
Type Interactions:
• 3×🛡️Resists: Psychic
• 1×🛡️Resists: Ice, Normal, Ghost
• 1×💥Weak: Fire
• 2×💥Weak: Fighting

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