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Dialga Raid Guide

July 23, 2021 - Jace
Tier 5 Raid Guide

🥊 Personalized Dialga Counters

📊Dialga Raid Infographic

Dialga– Temporal Pokémon

Dialga is weak to the following types: x1 Fighting, x1 Ground. Generally speaking, the best counters for it are:Lucario, Conkeldurr and Excadrill. Dialga can be beaten by 2 players in optimal weather, with max friendship and perfect level 40 counters or by 5 unfriended players using level 20 counters from this guide. When caught, Dialga will be between 2217 and 2307 cp without a weather boost. In Windy weather, Dialga will be between 2771 and 2884 when caught.

There are a couple classes of unique pokemon that are more difficult to use than others, they have been filtered out here to not clog up the counters too much. These pokemon are much more resource expensive than other options.
 • Shadow Machamp– Great in General simulations.
 • Shadow Hariyama– Great in General simulations.
Less relavant Shadow and Mega Pokemon:Mega Lopunny, Shadow Mamoswine, Shadow Swampert, Mega Charizard Y, Shadow Poliwrath, Mega Gengar, Shadow Gallade, Shadow Flygon, Shadow Alakazam, Shadow Mewtwo, Shadow Hitmonlee, Shadow Ursaring, Shadow Salamence, Shadow Magmortar, Shadow Dragonite, Shadow Nidoking, Mega Houndoom
Sorted Hardest to Easiest.

Draco Meteor:

Iron Head:

  • Fighting-Types are hit for 💥 Weakness


  • Ground-Types are hit for 🛡️🛡️ Resistance
Here is a list of Pokemon that can perform similar or better than the typical #1 option with weather bonuses:
PokemonNameWeatherFast MoveCharge MoveEstimator
Lucario☁️OvercastCounterAura Sphere1.8
Shadow Machamp☁️OvercastCounterDynamic Punch1.8
Conkeldurr☁️OvercastCounterDynamic Punch1.9
Excadrill☀️ClearMud SlapDrill Run2
Machamp☁️OvercastCounterDynamic Punch2.1
#1 Lucario
Aura Sphere
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐
Riolu is an egg exclusive pokemon sadly, one of the absolute rarest and highly desired ones in fact. It was added October 2018th. It isn’t easy to power up and has a walking distance of 10k. There are increased chances of finding one in a 7k Alolan egg instead of normal 10ks. You also have better chances if you get difficult Adventure Sync eggs. if you collect your weekly adventure sync reward and have earned the 50k distance, AND have an available egg slot, you will get an egg with a skewed hatch pool. With Level 35 Lucario you need 3 players.

Best Estimator VS: Dragon Breath / Thunder
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Steel, Dragon
#2 Conkeldurr
Dynamic Punch
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility:
With Level 35 Conkeldurr you need 3 players.

Best Estimator VS: Dragon Breath / Thunder
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
#3 Excadrill
Mud Slap
Drill Run
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐
Excadrill is a new pokemon, but Drilbur are not rare, and it is boosted in sunny weather! It doesn’t look it, but Excadrill is a phenomental ground-Type attacker, and it’s Steel duel typing ussually help it more than it hurts. With Level 35 Excadrill you need 3 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Mud Shot
Alternative Charge Moves: Earthquake
Best Estimator VS: Dragon Breath / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Electric
• 1×🛡️Resists: Steel, Dragon
#4 Groudon
Mud Shot
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐
Groudon is a Legendary Pokemon and thus can only be gotten in time limited ways, by being featured in Event Raids or Field Research Breakthroughs. They are the a pretty safe investment to power up, but might get Precipital Blade someday. Mud-shot and Earthquake got buffed December 2019. With Level 35 Groudon you need 3 players.

Best Estimator VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Dragon Breath / Thunder
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Electric
Mud Shot
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility:
With Level 35 you need 3 players.

Alternative Charge Moves: Super Power, Bulldoze
Best Estimator VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Thunder
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Electric
#6 Machamp
Dynamic Punch
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Machamp stands as the pokemon with the longest cumulative duration it has spent as a raid boss, being one of the very first AND most frequently returning. If you’ve been playing long enough to participate in Tier 3 raids its likely you have a Machamp or a dozen. They also have been an incredibly useful Fighting Type since the game’s inception. It is likely soon going to be outclassed as a Fighting-Type by many Gen 5 Pokemon (assuming they get good moves). With Level 35 Machamp you need 3 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Karate Chop
Best Estimator VS: Dragon Breath / Thunder
Best Ranking VS: Dragon Breath / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
#2 Landorus
Mud Shot
Earth Power
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐
With Level 35 Landorus you need 3 players.

Best Estimator VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Dragon Breath / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Electric
#8 Rhyperior
Mud Slap
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rhyhorn is very common and boosted in the common Sunny, but Rhyperior is a Sinnoh Stone evolution Pokemon. Rhydon is a pretty good Ground-Type as well, so if you get a good moveset on it and don’t have the candy or stone to evolve, it’s not that bad. It’s also great as a Rock-Type attacker with different moves. With Level 35 Rhyperior you need 3 players.

Alternative Charge Moves: Super Power
Best Estimator VS: Metal Claw / Iron Head
Best Ranking VS: Dragon Breath / Thunder
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Electric
• 1×💥Weak: Steel
#9 Hariyama
Dynamic Punch
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Hariyama is cheaper to evolve up than Machamp, requiring less candy and a more common pokemon (with nearly identical practical performance) With Level 35 Hariyama you need 4 players.

Alternative Charge Moves: Super Power
Best Estimator VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
#10 Breloom
Dynamic Punch
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Breloom evolves from the very common Shroomish and has higher pure DPS than Machamp or Makuhita. It is quite frail though. With Level 35 Breloom you need 4 players.

Best Estimator VS: Dragon Breath / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Thunder
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Electric
#11 Regigigas
Hidden Power Ground
Focus Blast
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐
Regigigas has only been available during the paid “A Colossas Discovery” event and has come to EX raids starting November 12th 2019. Hidden Power is a gamble moveset for typing and you can’t change it in your ownership. With Level 35 Regigigas you need 4 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Hidden Power Fighting
Best Estimator VS: Dragon Breath / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
#12 Garchomp
Mud Shot
Earth Power
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐
🌐 Accessibility:
With Level 35 Garchomp you need 4 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Dragon Tail
Best Estimator VS: Dragon Breath / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Iron Head
Type Interactions:
• 3×🛡️Resists: Electric
• 1×💥Weak: Dragon
#13 Rhydon
Mud Slap
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rhyhorn is very common and boosted in the common Sunny. It’s evolution is better in this role, but we were already using Rhydons before Rhyperior came out. With Level 35 Rhydon you need 4 players.

Best Estimator VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Dragon Breath / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Electric
• 1×💥Weak: Steel
#14 Krookodile
Mud Slap
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility:
With Level 35 Krookodile you need 4 players.

Best Estimator VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Dragon Breath / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Electric
#15 Heracross
Close Combat
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐
Heracross is a Regional Exclusive pokemon limited to Central and South America. its arguably the most useful Regional, having been among the best Fighting Types (and soon to be obliterated down the rankings once the incredible gen 5 Fighting-Type pokemon get released). You can get them in 5K eggs acquired within its spawn region as well. With Level 35 Heracross you need 4 players.

Alternative Charge Moves: Earthquake
Best Estimator VS: Dragon Breath / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
#16 Donphan
Mud Slap
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Donphan has not had much chance to shine in this game, but now that Earthquake has been buffed he is more useful! Phanphy are uncommon but not exceedingly rare however. With Level 35 Donphan you need 4 players.

Alternative Fast Moves: Counter
Best Estimator VS: Dragon Breath / Iron Head
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Electric
#17 Blaziken
Focus Blast
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Blaziken was featured in Community Day May 2019! In terms of Raids, the most common member of the Family is Combuskin. With Level 35 Blaziken you need 4 players.

Alternative Charge Moves: Blaze Kick
Best Estimator VS: Dragon Breath / Thunder
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Iron Head
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Steel
#18 Sirfetch’d
Close Combat
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility:
With Level 35 Sirfetch’d you need 4 players.

Best Estimator VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Iron Head
Type Interactions:
#19 Toxicroak
Dynamic Punch
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Toxicroak is an unexpectedly great Fighting AND Poison Raid Attacker. Croagunk is moderately uncommon outside of cloudy weather. With Level 35 Toxicroak you need 4 players.

Best Estimator VS: Dragon Breath / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Iron Head
Type Interactions:
#20 Golurk
Mud Slap
Dynamic Punch
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐
Golurk is a brand new pokemon and incredibly rare in the wild. Goletts family are duel typed with Ghost. With Level 35 Golurk you need 4 players.

Alternative Charge Moves: Earth Power
Best Estimator VS: Dragon Breath / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Dragon Breath / Thunder
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Electric
#21 Chesnaught
Low Kick
Super Power
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐⭐⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility:
With Level 35 Chesnaught you need 4 players.

Best Estimator VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Electric
#22 Mamoswine
Mud Slap
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility: ⭐⭐⭐
Mamoswine evolves from Swinub which is a nesting species that has been in raids in the past. Swinub can also be found in Nests. It does however require a Sinnoh Stone to evolve which can be acquired randomly from your first trainer battle every day. Swinub has gotten a community day (February 2019) and was also featured in Christmas events. Finally, Swinub can also spawn in the pool of Pokemon from Glacial Lure Modules, which you can get from the shop for 200 coins. With Level 35 Mamoswine you need 4 players.

Alternative Charge Moves: Avalanche
Best Estimator VS: Metal Claw / Draco Meteor
Best Ranking VS: Dragon Breath / Draco Meteor
Type Interactions:
• 2×🛡️Resists: Electric
• 1×💥Weak: Steel
#23 Haxorus
⚔️ Raw Damage: ⭐⭐
🛡️ Survival/Bulk: ⭐
📉 Consistency: ⭐⭐⭐
🌐 Accessibility:
Haxorus is very new right now and has not been featured in any events, but it’s a pretty good Dragon-Type attacker. With Level 35 Haxorus you need 4 players.

Alternative Charge Moves: Dragon Claw
Best Estimator VS: Metal Claw / Iron Head
Best Ranking VS: Dragon Breath / Thunder
Type Interactions:
• 1×🛡️Resists: Electric
• 1×💥Weak: Dragon

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