Genesect Raid Guide

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Genesect is here, how badly do you want it? Genesect is okay for PvE sometimes, but it often depends on what kind of hidden power you get rather than the special charge moves. It has a place in ultra league in GBL, but it’s not going to change the meta just yet. It can’t be shiny this time around, but it is worth getting a couple just in case the PvP team shows up that you want to try.
How to beat this thing? Fire, and then fire. You can do this with just two people if you come at it with decent counters, one if you’re pretty good. I hope you have a few good fire pokemon. How about all those random Eevee evolves where you wanted something else and got a Flareon, put them in coach, they’re ready to play. Today.
Go to the official counters page for a complete list including Shadows and Megas to see how your Pokemon perform.