Dynamax Entei is in Pokemon Go Max Raids and Mega Audino is coming for a Pokemon Go raid day on April 5th! Get updated Pokemon Go raid counters and remote raids on the Pokebattler Raid Party app!
Shadow Raids are here! Get your Shadow Regice and Shadow Mewtwo counters ready!
Pokebattler Raid Party #24113444
Join the Pokebattler Raid Party #24113444 to see if your group will win. Download the app and raid with confidence with just one click!
Pokebattler Raid Party is currently only available in app form. Website version coming soon! To see this raid party, simply download the app, login and reload this page.
If you have the app installed, this page should automatically open the app. On IOS, you may need to open this link in Safari and pull down the page for the open in Pokebattler Raid Party to appear.
Discord users: You will need to change your Discord settings for Browser to open in Safari or Chrome
If you are having trouble, you can manually join raid party #24113444.
Prepare for remote raids with friends
Here are just a few of the features in the Pokebattler Raid Party App. Additional functionality is being added rapidly, download the app to see the newest features

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