Dynamax Moltres is in Pokemon Go Max Raids! Get updated Pokemon Go raid counters!

Special event Black Kyurem, White Kyurem will evolve into Kyurem White or Kyurem Black with special moves for GO Tour Unova March 1st and March 2nd.

Black Kyurem and White Kyurem along with Zekrom and Reshiram will be in remote raids on the Pokebattler Raid Party app!

Shadow Raids are here! Get your Shadow Regirock and Shadow Mewtwo counters ready!



Team Rocket Update

July 28, 2019 - celandro
Pokemon Go Research
Team Rocket
Team Rocket

Update #2, A special guest has taken over the Pokebattler channel to provide you critical information about how to build a Team Rocket battle party!

On July 22nd, Team GO Rocket started to mysteriously steal Pokestops and challenge players to Trainer Battles putting up little black tents over Pokestops! With them, they brought purple shrouded Shadow Pokemon, with Combat Power far higher than we’ve seen previously in Trainer Battles.

Check out our article by PVPoke master KakunaMattata for updates on the actual CP formula, which Niantic keeps changing to keep us on our toes.

July 28th at 4pm local time the event which they’ve been teasing is set to launch. through the Pokemon Go social media channels, ‘taken over’ by Team GO Rocket, and the New York City takeover ad stunts. A live streaming countdown on the Pokemon Go Youtube channel led to the announcement by Team Rocket of a global takeover.

Pokebattler was updated just 2 hours after Team Rocket took over New Zealand to help with the threat. Pokebattler currently gives a good idea of which Pokemon to use to beat the Team Rocket Invasion but there is still much research to do! It seems that Team Rocket’s Pokemon are not as effective as they should be given their enormous stats. Perhaps the Pokemon are resisting the orders of Team Rocket? Time will tell!

Here are the current stats used by Pokebattler for these Shadow Pokemon:

Shadow Bulbasaur3381-3649127x3x2
Shadow Ivysaur5229 – 5561 127x3x2
Shadow Charmander2957 – 3209127x3x2
Shadow Charmeleon5081 – 5410 127x3x2
Shadow Squirtle2848 – 3096127x3x2
Shadow Wartortle4559 – 4871127x3x2
Shadow Zubat1974 – 2183 127x3x2
Shadow Golbat6110 – 6470127x3x2
Shadow Crobat8246 – 8662127x3x2
Shadow Dratini3370-3654230x3x2
Shadow Dragonair6097-6475230x3x2
Shadow Dragonite13234 – 13793230x3x2
Shadow Venusaur9425 – 9894230x3x2
Shadow Charizard10023 – 10508230x3x2
Shadow Blastoise8522-8968230x3x2
Shadow Snorlax11207-11732230x3x2

In the initial wave, there were different multipliers applied and we were able to do some research regarding Trainer Level CP adjustment. It appears that something like (TrainerLevel – 15) / (40 – 15) works. Pokebattler has assumed that this caps out at TrainerLevel 20 for a minimum of 5/35 but there is lots more research to do here! Here are some Shadow Pokemon that were encountered by players with different trainer levels:

PokemonCPTrainer LevelTrainer Level

If you know more about what the heck is going on with these Team Rocket Events let us know on Twitter!

UPDATE: We have new info on the Team Rocket ‘Grunt Teams’! The Grunts give hints as to what you are going to fight. The 3rd Pokemon will be of the type, and typically the other two Pokemon will be the same type or Normal type. There are also 3 hints that are used when you will be fighting a Tier 2 raid! So if you see anything about winning or defeated, know you will be fighting a harder fight.

Hint from Grunt Team3rd Pokemon
Don’t tangle with usGrass Type
Do you know how hot Pokémon fire breath can getFire Type
These waters are treacherousWater Type
Normal doesn’t mean weakNormal Type
ROAR! … How’d that soundDragon Type
Coiled and ready to strikePoison Type
My bird Pokémon wants to battle with youFlying Type
Winning is for winners.Tier 2 Pokemon
Don’t bother, I’ve already wonTier 2 Pokemon
Get ready to be defeatedTier 2 Pokemon
Pokemon Go
Team Rocket

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