


Retro Cup Meta Guide for Pokémon GO Battle League!

May 7, 2021 - ZyoniK
Go Battle League

The Retro Cup is coming to Pokémon GO Battle League soon! Today we take a look at the Retro Cup Meta to help prepare you to climb to Legend!
#GOBattleLeague #RetroCup #PokemonGO

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🎙Battle Catz Podcast🎙
Apple Podcast – http://apple.co/3iKBhxx
Spotify – http://spoti.fi/2M9dE5H
Google – https://bit.ly/31DWB0b

📚PvP Resources📚
PvPoke: https://pvpoke.com/
GBL Guides – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgiwE51_ybhr5f3bJEuKpO5sLYIuvQdZG

🎥 Shoutcast Submissions🎥
Battles of The Week: http://bit.ly/35dMFdI
Great League: http://bit.ly/2P9Fo9b
Ultra League: https://bit.ly/3asChBA
Master League: https://bit.ly/3bCotVk

📲 Social Media📲
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZyoniK_
Music License: https://epidemicsound.com
Pokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2016
All images and names owned and trademarked by Nintendo, Niantic, The Pokémon Company, and Gamefreak are property of their respective owners. Posted on behalf of ZyoniK

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retro cup

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