


Ho-Oh Counters Infographics with Weather – Levels 25 and 30

December 12, 2017 - celandro
Tier 5 Raid Guide

Download Full Level 30 infographic

Download Full Level 25 Infographic 

We at Pokebattler.com have made ourselves go blind attempting to make infographics with the new weather effects. We posted a very quick and dirty one yesterday. Today we bring you one that is definitely less quick, although I’m not sure about the dirty part. As you can see, adding the weather makes them rather large. But people asked for infographics with weather, and we couldn’t disappoint. What’s interesting is that most of the best counters are the same, they just change around in order, with a few exceptions of mons like Sudowoo and Swampert making random appearances under the weather that gives them a boost.

Level 30

Double rock legacy (aka no longer available) Omastar continues his reign. I still get bitter thinking about how many double rock Omastar I probably deleted when I first started playing. Le sigh.  But Golem, Raikou and Zapdos also many a lot of strong appearances.

Level 25

Historically, all our infographics are looking at level 30 with a few higher ones included and their breakpoints. We wanted to offer help to some of the newer players with a level 25 infographics. We assumed that level 25 players aren’t lucky enough to have any double rock legacy Omastar (meaning they are no longer available in the game, for quite some time now). so we took out that power, which moved Omastar further down the list. That makes double rock Golem the official kind of counters for Ho-Oh in any weather, with Raikou also a very consistent good counter in all weather as well.

I recently promised that I would list out all the Pokemon in the infographics, but I’m tired/blind, and heading out to Santa Monica Pier to catch some Gen 3, so I’m not doing that tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Tonight I shall just share links with you to look at them yourself. Simply adjust the weather at the top of the counters list. Peace, love and happy hunting.

Level 30

Level 25


Ho-Oh Raid Guide
Pokemon Go
Raid Guide

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